Family fun

Family fun


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Digital Writing Workshop Book Voice Thread

What a neat tool! Now, if I can get my microphone working so I can leave longer comments, I'll be doing great!

Learning Voice Thread

I feel like I am getting step-by-step closer to actually understanding the world of technology! Not only did I learn how to use Voice Thread on my own, I also was able to make a comment on Bill's Voice Thread about Troy Hick's book! My only problem was my equipment. My microphone kept cutting off after about 15 seconds which caused me to do my comment over and over again. I must confess the first time I got ready to do it my heart started to pound....almost as if I was giving some kind of presentation! I just didn't want to say something stupid! Trust me....I used that little trash can more than a few times before I finally got something I could live with. So, hopefully the more I use this, the more comfortable I will get. Who knows.....maybe I'll try the webcam next!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I've Got The Fever

I am just as bad as the kids. Over this past week right in the middle of teaching, I have found myself more than once thinking about all the things I am going to do next week while on Spring Break! I completely understand how the kids are feeling--squirmy, unattentive, ready to bust loose! We are all ready for some down time, family time, and me time. I hope I can make it till Friday..........

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Family Fun

Here is the first attempt of a family digital story. Hope you like it!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

PASS Hysteria

I hate this time of the year--you know, those few days right before a statewide test. You can almost feel the tension in the air as you talk with colleagues. Simple tasks suddenly become monumental and I find myself not being as patient as I normally am. Why do I allow myself to get sucked into this hysteria that seems to develop each and every year?? My rational self knows better, but somehow there's always a part of me that begins to panic just a little and question what I did and did not do in terms of test preparation. One of these days, I'm going to stop this mess and focus on what's really important: fostering a lifetime love of reading and writing within my students. I WILL get of these days.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm Movin' On Up!!

My daughter, Schyler, sent my husband and I a Valentine's card for the first time in YEARS! She is away at college and very busy doing her own thing when out of the blue came this card. We have not received a card from her since she was teeny tiny and at first I was a little taken back. Then, after getting over the initial shock, I felt so lucky to have such a thoughtful and caring daughter. I knew she was growing up, but I guess I just didn't realize how quickly it was happening. All I kept thinking about was how she is turning into me!! I send my parents a card each year and now she is doing the same to me. So, you will understand me when I say that this card is symbolic of so many things besides just a "card." I am one lucky mom!
By the way, this is my first podcast!!