Family fun

Family fun


Friday, February 12, 2010

Love is in the Air

I love snow.....for about 5 minutes, then I'm ready for it to go away! As I sit and watch the big, fat, fluffy flakes fall faster and faster, I am reminded how beautiful a simple thing such as a snowflake can be. To see its contrast against a black sky is truly mesmerizing. I'm thinking how ironic it is to be watching it snow in a coastal region and the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia, are just beginning its opening ceremonies! Tomorrow, however, I will want warmer weather. You see, while I like to look at snow, I don't like to be in it. That is a strange comment coming from someone who grew up in Massachusetts, a place that got feet of snow each year. Since moving to a coastal region 25 years ago, I've become a weenie to cold weather. I like it warm. So, while I am loving this special gift from Mother Nature tonight, I am secretly yearning for that warm, sunny day tomorrow!


  1. Brenda, I think those of us who grew up in snow country are less likely to wish for more than one snow per year...and it sure is nice that it melts in the same day! It was beautiful last night, and this morning was fun as I walked the dog through the neighborhood. All that's left this afternoon is the snowman the Michaels made this morning.

  2. I also love looking at the snow. It reminds me of home and of my childhood when snow bought sledding and snowball fights and hot chocolate. As I grew older, snow met days off from school--the teachers were just as bad as the kids. I called and teased my friends in PA and was jealous about the week off most of them have had due to the weather. Snow is beautiful as along as you are watching it from the warmth and comfort of the inside of your house. My husband and I took a walk this morning just to capture the look of this once in a while gift mother nature gives to this region. As I post this all the snow has melted and the roads are clear again. Maybe next week it will happen again--no school even--wishful thinking, but one can always hope.

  3. I thought the snow was pretty, but I am looking forward to the summer too!
