Family fun

Family fun


Friday, July 9, 2010

Ready to Come Back

Yes, I's been a long time since I've done a post. Once the end of school came I took a extended hiatus. Now, I feel the urge to write again. I wonder what that means???:) I can't believe the time to go back to school is right around the corner. It seems once July hits, the summer just folds away and in the blink of an eye, we have to go back to the grind. I've been doing some things I've wanted to do but never had time to do during the school year--like paint my laundry room, kitchen, and living room and READ! I'm hooked on the Sookie Stackhouse series and can't seem to get enough of them! I KNOW the power of a good book! So, I guess I am feeling the twitch to get into my routine....write, read, teach :) It truly is my thread.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Last Digital Writing Post

This is the last of my projects for my Digital Writing Class; however, this is NOT the last of me :) Hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm Scared

Saturday is my last face-to-face meeting with Bill and our Digital Writing group. I can't begin to tell you how much I've grown professionally in terms of incorporating technology into my teaching practices. Bill made me feel uncomfortable and took me WAY out of my comfort zone and required me to use certain pieces of technology I would have otherwise NEVER known about or chosen to use. He required me to read professional text that took my thinking outside the box. I complained at first and thought, "What had I gotten myself into??" He required me to do things and use things and read things I would have never been exposed to had I not taken this course. Now I find myself scared to death because I might not have this contact anymore. I'm scared to think about going back to "Pre-Bill" and I don't like it! Colleen, Ann, and I just presented a staff development to our faculty about some of the neat things we have been introduced to. I love the idea of "each one, teach one." I feel "empowered" that I have some knowledge about technology and how to use a few things in my teaching. I don't want my learning to end. I am not ready to do this on my own. I feel like I have just started my journey and I don't want to lose my connection to these wonderful people. I'm wondering if we can keep our support group going so we can continue to learn and grow from each other?? I'm scared of losing this contact. I wonder if anyone else feels the same as me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Here We Go Again I am in Florida and I am supposed to be on vacation. I pick up the daily newspaper and listen to the daily news and the top news story over the past three days is teachers picketing the state capital because there is a bill getting ready to be passed that ties teachers salaries/bonuses to test scores. The state of Florida says higher test scores equals higher salaries. Hmmmmmmm.......are they really being serious??? Are you telling me that the only measure of a child's growth over a school year is being tied to a test score????? Is there not anything else we can look at??? Excuse me for sounding so down on this, but come on....we live in the 21st century. If I were measured by every test I ever took during my school days, I may never be in the position I am in today. Test scores are but ONE measure teachers/parents/administrators should look at when it comes to growth. Even the teacher of the year is so against this. Why is it that people who are not involved in the day-to-day grind of the daily classroom make decisions that influence teachers that force them to go in a direction they know is not right??? I'm on vacation right now, but my heart and my passion are on fire right now for what I know is right. Tying student test scores to teacher salaries is not right and it is not fair. If a teacher is not performing to standard, create an improvement plan that measures various ways a child's growth can be measured, and then, if no progress is shown, get rid of them. That is fair. But DO NOT measure a teacher's salary based on a child's performance on ONE test. Are the senators/legislatures in Florida really thinking this through??????

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Digital Writing Workshop Book Voice Thread

What a neat tool! Now, if I can get my microphone working so I can leave longer comments, I'll be doing great!

Learning Voice Thread

I feel like I am getting step-by-step closer to actually understanding the world of technology! Not only did I learn how to use Voice Thread on my own, I also was able to make a comment on Bill's Voice Thread about Troy Hick's book! My only problem was my equipment. My microphone kept cutting off after about 15 seconds which caused me to do my comment over and over again. I must confess the first time I got ready to do it my heart started to pound....almost as if I was giving some kind of presentation! I just didn't want to say something stupid! Trust me....I used that little trash can more than a few times before I finally got something I could live with. So, hopefully the more I use this, the more comfortable I will get. Who knows.....maybe I'll try the webcam next!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I've Got The Fever

I am just as bad as the kids. Over this past week right in the middle of teaching, I have found myself more than once thinking about all the things I am going to do next week while on Spring Break! I completely understand how the kids are feeling--squirmy, unattentive, ready to bust loose! We are all ready for some down time, family time, and me time. I hope I can make it till Friday..........